Our story

The love for mushrooms: a family affair

At the beginning of the 20th century, Marguerite, a passionate and ambitious Swiss woman, embarked on a daring adventure: to open up the market for edible mushrooms in Europe.

In 2015, Josiane her granddaughter, nurse and founder of Nutriyado, felt the burning desire to offer the general public the possibility of treating themselves naturally, especially by taking advantage of the incredible properties of functional mushrooms.

Thus began a therapeutic quest to develop the ideal recipes for achieving this goal.

Josiane Trachsel


Brand owner, serial entrepreneur, metabolic health nurse and mycotherapy super fan, Josiane is constantly exploring all the benefits of superfoods with the aim of helping more people.

Her passion? Finding the right therapeutic solution for each individual. Just like a caring mother who takes care of people in need.

Dr Michael Gaille


Michael is THE biohacker by definition. Fascinated by nutrition, sport and preventive medicine, he favors the use of diet, physical activity, sleep and stress management as the first line of treatment for chronic diseases.

He really is a fine connoisseur in the game of this wonderful world of lifestyle health.

César Beuchat


Nutriyado's mad scientist is called César, aka Louis Pasteur 2.0.

With a doctorate in chemistry and a legendary sarcasm, Mr. Beuchat combines precision and passion to concoct the best products with extraordinary virtues.

Kent Trachsel


This is Kent, the great-grandson of Marguerite from Geneva. He pretends to be Jean Dujardin, when in fact, he has nothing in common with Jean Dujardin.

Like his role at Nutriyado, everything about this young man is paradoxical. Big heart, frail body. Soft yet zealous. Romantic but sensible, Kent works day and night to develop the brand, whatever the cost.

Mélanie Nicollier


Trained as a pharmacy assistant, Mélanie joined our team following a number of health challenges. Her excellent expertise in product experience makes her a great asset.

She adores her son, the Vaudois Riviera and white wine (in that order, of course).

Améline Trachsel


Passionate about nutrition, fashion and social media, Améline is driven by a lively curiosity and an adventurous spirit to beautify people through health.

"Amy", as she's known, will transform - through her style and aesthetic tastes - a true frog into a prince!

Nutriyado's mission

At Nutriyado, we are on a mission to empower you to experience your healthiest life.


Through tasty drinks based on functional mushrooms and by raising awareness of lifestyle medicine.


Why Nutriyado?

  •  Convenient : Say goodbye to myriad pills, capsules, and other dietary supplements. From now on, you can enjoy a whole host of benefits in one single blend. Simple and effective!
  •  Swiss-made : Swiss excellence at its best – you’ll find this philosophy in our choice of ingredients, our manufacturing process, and our customer relations.
  •  Healthy : Therapeutic mushrooms, vitamins, minerals, 100% natural, ORGANIC, sugar-free, GMO-free, etc.; what more could you want? Your well-being is our priority, which is why we've developed products that will boost your health.
  •   Tasty Obviously, when it comes to mushroom-based beverages, a certain apprehension about the taste may arise. Don't panic, we've got it covered! Our beverages are surprisingly delicious, we promise.

Our core values

  •    Sustainability & Responsibility : Nutriyado is committed to ecologically and environmentally sustainable practices, whether in its choice of ingredients, packaging or production.
  •   Quality & Transparency : We use ingredients of the highest quality, carefully selected by our developers, who won't hide anything about their origin from you.
  •    Ongoing innovation : To bring you the very best beverages, we're constantly evolving and studying to find the latest gems in the field of alternative health.
  •   Fun & Family : The Nutriyado team considers colleagues as friends and work as an adventure. Every day, we cultivate an atmosphere where fun and friendship are at the heart of our daily routine, creating an authentic and positive experience for all.